
Friday, November 26, 2010

Discussion eight: Wendigos

The wendigo is a ravenous, werewolf- like beast from Native American legend. It is also one of the most terrifying creatures I know of- something you would never want to run in to!

Read all about this strange creature here.... if you dare:

Then, come back and discuss these mysterious monsters.

-Do you believe in them? Tell us why or why not.
-Why do you think wendigos are believed to live only in colder climates?
-What do you think is the creepiest thing about wendigos?


  1. This is one I haveen't heard of before....

    It sounds like a ledgend, not something real.


  2. Jess- Wow, I never heard of a wendigo either, and I sure don't want to see one! They sound awful, mean and hungry, and nearly impossible to kill. Definitely scary. As to them being real, they seem kinda over the top, but they are a really, really old legend, so who's to say for sure?

    Brenna- I remember seeing something about them is one of Stephen King's scary books, the one about pets and people that die and then come back, but different. It had a part where the guy was inthe woods and mentions the wendigo (I think). It's been a long time since I read it but I remember it was scary! The Native Americans have a whole bunch of really cool legends and beliefs, something we should maybe put on our list to look up more of them. Spirit guides, going on a quest to find your kindred spirit, stuff like that. And their beliefs about how things were created are really awesome too. As far as wendigos, they are so scary I don't WANT them to be real. Count me out!

  3. Kit - Yuppers, I believe in wendigos. It seems too weird to me that in this huge world that there are not these type of beings and other things we term "paranormal". Wendigos like to eat people, happen the wendigo believes those that live in a colder climate have thicker blood and skin and therefore are more nourishing and satisfying to eat. The overall look of the wendigo creeps me out. I picture it as being mostly skeleton and just generally evil looking. I would only want to see one from a safe distance.

  4. I think the wendigo is scary, and wouldn't want to see one. I think their faces sound scariest. I think they could be real... but I sure don't want to find out for myself :).

