
Friday, April 15, 2011

Discussion 20: Boggarts

Boggarts are malevolent fairies. They originate in English folklore, and are similar to Brownies (not the chocolaty baked good, but the type of fairy. We'll do a discussion on Brownies some week).

Boggarts center on a specific family and cause misfortune and mischief. They will follow that family wherever they go. The only way to keep them away, according to some sources, is to hang a horseshoe over your door. In Rowling's Harry Potter and The Last Apprentice book series by Joseph Delaney, Boggarts are described a little differently, as a shape-shifting entity which morphs into whatever it's victim fears the most. It is said that no one know what a Boggart looks like in it's natural form, because of it's shape-shifting abilities.

What do you think Boggarts are really like? Do you think they are more like in older folklore:, or more like Boggarts in the Harry Potter series, and other fantasy novels?

If you believe Boggarts are shape-shifters who can read fear, what would they shape-shift into if you stumbled upon one? For me, a Boggart would probably turn into an ocean wave, because I'm most afraid of deep water and drowning.

Happy Haunting,

1 comment:

  1. Interesting! I'm familiar with the HP version and the bogeyman, but not that the boggart are fairies. I'm not sure what I think a boggart really is. If I saw the HP version is would turn into a lobster.

